
Indiana Vegetable Growers Association [IVGA] 

The Indiana Vegetable Growers Association is an association dedicated to the improvement of commercial vegetable production and marketing in Indiana.

Ohio Produce Growers and Marketing Association [OPGMA]

The Ohio Produce Growers & Marketers Association is an organization of Ohio produce growers and marketers who have consumer and processor satisfaction, environmentally friendly practices, business success, and the provision of fulfilling career opportunities for family and employees as their primary goals.

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association [PVGA] 

The Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association is an association of commercial vegetable, potato and berry growers and allied industry personnel dedicated to promoting growers and their products, and representing the interests of the Pennsylvania vegetable, potato and berry industries.

Illiana Watermelon Association [IVA]

The Illiana Watermelon Association is an association of watermelon growers, shippers and other industry supporters in the Indiana and Illinois area.

Michigan Vegetable Council

The Michigan Vegetable Council promotes vegetable research and extension work through Michigan State University and provides educational programs and other information beneficial to those in the vegetable industry, particularly growers.

Red Gold and the Red Gold Growers Action Fund Board 

Red Gold is a processor, producing premium quality tomato products. The Red Gold family of consumer brands includes Red Gold, Redpack, and Tuttorosso canned tomato products, along with Sacramento Juices.

Hirzel Canning

The Hirzel Canning Company is a family company founded in 1923 to grow and can vegetables.

Mid America Food Processors Association [MAFPA]

The Mid-America Food Processors Association is the regional body of food processors.

Midwest Food Processors Association [MWFPA]

The Midwest Food Processors Association is a trade association that advocates on behalf of food processing companies and affiliated industries in Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin.

Beckman and Gast

Beckman & Gast is a family owned and operated food processor located in west central Ohio. It has been processing tomatoes since 1928 and green beans since 1952.

Hartung Brothers

Hartung Brothers is a family owned and operated agribusiness. They have developed a wide range of solutions for agriculture’s producers and processors alike since 1975.

Ball Corporation

The Ball Corporation is a provider of metal packaging for beverages, foods and household products, and of aerospace and other technologies and services to commercial and governmental customers. Founded in 1880, the company employs more than 14,500 people in more than 90 locations worldwide.